
Winemakers Blog

This is a little blog that I can use to keep track of events and happenings around here. Hope you enjoy the postings when I get to them.

11/28/08 :

I need to start racking the Syrah from last year and get it ready for bottling. We have about 50 gallons of that in the floating top fermenter. I hope to get to it tomorrow. (though I said that yesterday). I cant wait to do some tasting and tests of some of that wine.

The Cab Sav from Knights Valley has been pressed out. Lots of sediment in the pressing. We let the Maceration go on for some 4 weeks so we will see how it comes along. It tasted great at the pressing but it needs to go along way to a good finish. I can't wait.
The berries were small, dense and had a rough year it seems. I think we will be needing a chisel to break into this one for a few years It will likely be very dense in flavors and need years of aging and racking,maybe some blending to soften it up.


Well Ifinally got to the final racking of the 07 Syrah from Knights Valley a few weeks ago and after resting and I have to say I am proud of this one. It seems to have finished very well with a bit of a taste of leather, dry as dust, just the right oak taste. I cant wait to get to the bottling. I washed a batch of bottles and need to plan for a bottling party soon. Yea !